
TRO'PHY, n. [L. tropoeum.]

1. Among the ancients, a pile of arms taken from a vanquished enemy, raised on the field of battle by the conquerors; also, the representation of such a pile in marble, on medals and the like; or according to others, trophies were trees planted in conspicuous places of the conquered provinces, and hung with the spoils of the enemy, in memory of the victory. Hence,

2. Any thing taken and preserved as a memorial of victory, as arms, flags, standards and the like, taken from an enemy.

Around the posts hung helmets, darts and spears,

And captive chariots, axes, shields and bars,

And broken beaks of ships, the trophies of their wars.

3. In architecture, an ornament representing the stem of a tree, charged or encompassed with arms and military weapons, offensive and defensive.

4. Something that is evidence of victory; memorial of conquest.

Present every hearer to Christ as a trophy of grace.