
TICK'LE, v.t. [L. titillo, corrupted.]

1. To touch lightly and cause a peculiar thrilling sensation, which cannot be described. A slight sensation of this kind may give pleasure, but when violent it is insufferable.

2. To please by slight gratification. A glass of wine may tickle the palate.

Such a nature

Tickled with good success.

TICK'LE, v.i. To feel titillation.

He with secret joy therefore

Did tickle inwardly in every vein.

TICK'LE, a. Tottering; wavering, or liable to waver and fall at the slightest touch; unstable; easily overthrown.

Thy head stands so tickle on thy shoulders, that a milkmaid, if in love, may sign it off.

The state of Normandy

Stands on a tickle point.

[This word is wholly obsolete, at least in N. England. Ticklish is the word used.]