

1. A large conical pile of hay, grain or straw, sometimes covered with thatch. In America, the stack differs from the cock only in size, both being conical. A long pile of hay or grain is called a rick. In England, this distinction is not always observed. This word in Great Britain is sometimes applied to a pile of wood containing 108 cubic feet, and also to a pile of poles; but I believe never in America.

Against every pillar was a stack of billets above a mans highth.

2. A number of funnels or chimneys standing together. We say, a stack of chimneys; which is correct, as a chimney is a passage. But we also call the whole stack a chimney. Thus we say, the chimney rises ten feet above the roof.

STACK, v.t.

1. To lay in a conical or other pile; to make into a large pile; as, to stack hay or grain.

2. In England, to pile wood, poles, &c.