
SPECIES, n. spe'shiz. [L. from specio, to see. See Special.]

1. In zoology, a collection of organized beings derived from one common parentage by natural generation, characterized by one peculiar from one common parentage by natural generation, characterized by one peculiar form, liable to vary within certain narrow limits. These accidental and limited variations are varieties. Different races from the same parents are called varieties.

2. In botany, all the plants which spring from the same see, or which resemble each other in certain character or in variable forms. There are as many species as there are different in variable forms or circumstances only with in certain narrow limits. These accidental and limited variations are varieties. Different races from the same parents are called varieties.

3. In logic, a special idea, corresponding to the specific distinctions of things in nature.

4. Sort; kind; in a loose sense; as a species of low cunning in the world; as a species of generosity; a species of cloth.

5. Appearance to the senses; visible or sensible representation. An apparent diversity between the species visible and audible, is that the visible doth not mingle in the medium, but the audible doth. The species of letters illuminated with indigo and violet. [Little used.]

6. Representation to the min. Wit-the faculty of imagination in the writer, which searches over all the memory for the species or ideas of those things which it designs to present. [Little used.]

7. Show; visible exhibition. Shows and species serve best with the common people. [Not in use.]

8. Coin, or coined silver and gold, used as a circulating medium; as the current species of Europe. In modern practice. this word is contracted into specie. What quantity of specie has the bank in its vault? What is the amount of all the current specie in the country? What is the value in specie, of a bill of exchange? We receive payment for goods in specie, not in bank notes.

9. In pharmacy, a simple; a component part of a compound medicine.

10. The old pharmaceutical term for powders.