

1. The quality of bodies which renders them capable of yielding to pressure, or of easily receiving impressions from other bodies; opposed to hardness.

2. Susceptibility of feeling or passion; as the softness of the heart or of our natures.

3. Mildness; kindness; as softness of words or expressions.

4. Mildness; civility; gentleness; as softness of manners.

5. Effeminacy; vicious delicacy. He was not delighted with the softness of the court.]

6. Timorousness; pusillanimity; excessive susceptibility of fear or alarm. This virtue could not proceed out of fear or softness.

7. Smoothness to the ear; as the softness of sounds, which is distinct from exility or fineness.

8. Facility; gentleness; candor; easiness to be affected; as softness of spirit.

9. Gentleness, as contrary to vehemence. With strength and softness, energy and ease.

10. Mildness of temper; meekness. For contemplation he and valor form'd for softness she, and sweet attractive grace.

11. Weakness; simplicity.

12. Mild temperature; as the softness of a climate.