
ELOCU'TION, n. [L. elocutio, from eloquor; e and loquor, to speak.]

1. Pronunciation; the utterance or delivery of words, particularly in public discourses and arguments. We say of elocution, it is good or bad; clear, fluent or melodious.

Elocution, which anciently embraced style and the whole art of rhetoric, now signifies manner of delivery.

2. In rhetoric, elocution consists of elegance, composition and dignity; and Dryden uses the word as nearly synonymous with eloquence, the act of expressing thoughts with elegance or beauty.

3. Speech; the power of speaking.

Whose taste--gave elocution to the mute.

4. In ancient treatises on oratory, the wording of a discourse; the choice and order of words; composition; the act of framing a writing or discourse.