
DUCK, n. [G, L., to weave.] A species of coarse cloth or canvas, used for sails, sacking of beds, &c.

DUCK, n. [from the verb, to duck.]

1. A water fowl, so called from its plunging. There are many species or varieties of the duck, some wild, others tame.

2. An inclination of the head, resembling the motion of a duck in water.

3. A stone thrown obliquely on the water so as to rebound; as in duck and drake.

DUCK, n. A word of endearment or fondness.

DUCK, v.t. [G.]

1. To dip or plunge in water and suddenly withdraw; as, to duck a seamen. It differs from dive, which signifies to plunge ones self, without immediately emerging.

2. To plunge the head in water and immediately withdraw it; as, duck the boy.

3. To bow, stoop or nod.

DUCK, v.i.

1. To plunge into water and immediately withdraw; to dip; to plunge the head in water or other liquid.

In Tiber ducking thrice by break of day.

2. To drop the head suddenly; to bow; to cringe.

Duck with French nods.