
DISTRICT, n. [L., to press hard, to bind. See Distrain.]

1. Properly, a limited extent of country; a circuit within which power, right or authority may be exercised, and to which it is restrained; a word applicable to any portion of land or country, or to any part of a city or town, which is defined by law or agreement. A governor, a prefect, or a judge may have his district. Some of the states are divided into districts for the choice of senators, representatives or electors. Cities and towns are divided into districts for various purposes, as for school, &c. The United States are divided into districts for the collection of the revenue.

2. A region; a territory within given lines; as the district of the earth which lies between the tropics, or that which is north of a polar circle.

3. A region; a country; a portion of territory without very definite limits; as the districts of Russia covered by forest.

DISTRICT, v.t. To divide into districts or limited portions of territory. Legislatures district states for the choice of senators. In New England, towns are districted for the purpose of establishing and managing schools.