
DISTRACT, v.t. [L., to draw. See draw and drag. The old participle distraught is obsolete.]

1. Literally, to draw apart; to pull in different directions, and separate. Hence, to divide; to separate; and hence, to throw into confusion. Sometimes in a literal sense. Contradictory or mistaken orders may distract an army.

2. To turn or draw from any object; to divert from any point, towards another point or toward various other objects; as, to distract the eye or the attention.

If he cannot avoid the eye of the observer, he hopes to distract it by a multiplicity of the object.

3. To draw towards different objects; to fill with different considerations; to perplex; to confound; to harass; as, to distract the mind with cares; you distract me with your clamor.

While I suffer thy terrors, I am distracted. Psalm 88.

4. To disorder the reason; the derange the regular operations of intellect; to render raving or furious; most frequently used in the participle distracted.

DISTRACT, a. Mad. [Not in use.]