
ARRA'IGN v.t. arra'ne. [L. reus, contracted from the root of res.]

1. To call or set a prisoner at the bar of a court, to answer to the matter charged against him in an indictment or information. When called, the indictment is read to him, and he is put to plead, guity or not guilty, and to elect by whom he will be tried.

2. According to Law writers, to set in order; to fit for trial; as, to arraign a writ of novel disscisin. To arraign the assize, is to cause the tenant to be called to make the plaint, and set the cause in order, that the tenant may be brought to answer.

3. To accuse; to charge with faults. More correctly, to call before the bar of reason, or taste; to call in question, for faults before any tribunal.

They will not arraign you for want of knowledge.