
ADDRESS', v.t. [This is supposed to be from L. dirigo.]

1. To prepare; to make suitable dispositions for.

Turnus addressed his men to single fight.

2. To direct words or discourse; to apply to by words; as, to address a discourse to an assembly; to address the judges.

3. To direct in writing; as a letter; or to direct and transmit; as he addressed a letter to the speaker. Sometimes it is used with the reciprocal pronoun, as, he addressed himself to the speaker, instead of, he addressed his discourse. The phrase is faulty; but less so than the following. To such I would address with this most affectionate petition.

Young Turnus to the beauteous maid aldrest.

The latter is admissible in poetry, as an elliptical phrase.

4. To present an address, as a letter of thanks or congratulation, a petition, or a testimony of respect; as, the legislature addressed the president.

5. To court or make suit as a lover.

6. In commerce, to consign or entrust to the care of another, as agent or factor; as, the ship was addressed to a merchant in Baltimore.