headHEAD, n. hed. 10. State of a deer's horns by which his age is known. The buck is called, the fifth year, a buck of the first head. 11. The top of a thing, especially when larger than the rest of the thing; as the head of a spear; the head of a cabbage; the head of a nail; the head of a mast. 12. The forepart of a thing, as the head of a ship, which includes the bows on both sides; also,the ornamental figure or image erected on or before the stem of a ship. 13. The blade or cutting part of an ax, distinct from the helve. 14. That which rises on the top; as the head or yeast of beer. 15. The upper part of a bed, or bed-stead. 16. The brain. 17. The dress of the head; as a laced head. [Unusual.] 18. The principal source of a stream; as the head of the Nile. 19. Altitude of water in ponds, as applicable to the driving of mill-wheels. The mill has a good head of water. 20. Topic of discourse; chief point or subject; a summary; as the heads of a discourse or treatise. 21. Crisis; pitch; highth. The disease has grown to such a head as to threaten life. 22. Influence; force; strength; pitch. The sedition got to such a head as not to be easily quelled. 23. Body; conflux. 24. Power; armed force. 25. Liberty; freedom from restrain; as, to give a horse the head. Hence, 26. License; freedom from check, control or restraint. 27. The hair of the head; as a head of hair. 28. The top of corn or other plant; the part on which the seed grows. 29. The end, or the boards that form the end; as the head of a cask. 30. The part most remote from the mouth or opening into the sea; as the head of a bay, gulf or creek. 31. The maturated part of an ulcer or boil; hence, to come to a head, is to suppurate. Head and ears, a phrase denoting the whole person, especially when referring to immersion. He plunged head and ears into the water. He was head and ears in debt, that is, completely overwhelmed. Head and shoulders, by force; violently; as, to drag one head and shoulders. Head or tail, or head nor tail, uncertain; not reducible to certainty. Head, as an adj. or in composition, chief; principal; as a head workman. By the head, in seamen's language, denotes the state of a ship laden too deeply at the fore-end. HEAD, v.t. hed. To lead; to direct; to act as leader to; as, to head an army; to head an expedition; to head a riot. HEAD, v.i. hed. To originate; to spring; to have its source, as a river. |