Thursday - September 19, 2024

In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed... No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.
- Preface

1828 Noah Webster Dictionary
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1828.mshaffer.comWord [conquer]

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1. To subdue; to reduce, by physical force, till resistance is no longer made; to overcome; to vanquish. Alexander conquered Asia. The Romans conquered Carthage.

2. To gain by force; to win; to take possession by violent means; to gain dominion or sovereignty over, as the subduing of the power of an enemy generally implies possession of the person or thing subdued by the conqueror. Thus, a king or an army conquers a country, or a city, which is afterward restored.

3. To subdue opposition or resistance of the will by moral force; to overcome by argument, persuasion or other influence.

Anna conquers but to save, and governs but to bless.

He went forth conquering, and to conquer. Revelations. 6.

4. To overcome, as difficulties; to surmount, as obstacles; to subdue whatever opposes; as, to conquer the passions; to conquer reluctance.

5. To gain or obtain by effort; as, to conquer freedom; to conquer peace; a French application of the word.

CONQUER, v.i. To overcome; to gain the victory.

The champions resolved to conquer or to die.

Evolution (or devolution) of this word [conquer]

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1. To subdue; to reduce, by physical force, till resistance is no longer made; to overcome; to vanquish. Alexander conquered Asia. The Romans conquered Carthage.

2. To gain by force; to win; to take possession by violent means; to gain dominion or sovereignty over, as the subduing of the power of an enemy generally implies possession of the person or thing subdued by the conqueror. Thus, a king or an army conquers a country, or a city, which is afterward restored.

3. To subdue opposition or resistance of the will by moral force; to overcome by argument, persuasion or other influence.

Anna conquers but to save, and governs but to bless.

He went forth conquering, and to conquer. Revelations. 6.

4. To overcome, as difficulties; to surmount, as obstacles; to subdue whatever opposes; as, to conquer the passions; to conquer reluctance.

5. To gain or obtain by effort; as, to conquer freedom; to conquer peace; a French application of the word.

CONQUER, v.i. To overcome; to gain the victory.

The champions resolved to conquer or to die.

CON'QUER, v.i.

To overcome; to gain the victory. The champions resolved to conquer or to die. – Waller.

CON'QUER, v.t. [conk'er; Fr. conquerir, from the L. conquiro; con and quæro, to seek, to obtain, to conquer; Arm. conqeuri. As quæro is written, it belongs to Class Gr, and its preterit to Class Gs. See Ar. قَرَا karau or quarau, and Heb. Ch. חקר to seek. Class Gr, No. 51, 55.]

  1. To subdue; to reduce, by physical force, till resistance is no longer made; to overcome; to vanquish. Alexander conquered Asia. The Romans conquered Carthage.
  2. To gain by force; to win; to take possession by violent means; to gain dominion or sovereignty over, as the subduing of the power of an enemy generally implies possession of the person or thing subdued by the conqueror. Thus, a king or an army conquers a country, or a city, which is afterward restored.
  3. To subdue opposition or resistance of the will by moral force; to overcome by argument, persuasion or other influence. Anna conquers but to save, / And governs but to bless. – Smith. He went forth conquering and to conquer. – Rev. vi.
  4. To overcome, as difficulties; to surmount, as obstacles; to subdue whatever opposes; as, to conquer the passions; to conquer reluctance.
  5. To gain or obtain by effort; as, to conquer freedom; to conquer peace; a French application of the word.

  1. To gain or acquire by force; to take possession of by violent means; to gain dominion over; to subdue by physical means; to reduce; to overcome by force of arms; to cause to yield; to vanquish.

    "If thou conquer Rome." Shak.

    If we be conquer'd, let men conquer us.

    We conquered France, but felt our captive's charms.

  2. To gain the victory; to overcome; to prevail.

    He went forth conquering and to conquer.
    Rev. vi. 2.

    The champions resolved to conquer or to die.

  3. To subdue or overcome by mental or moral power; to surmount; as, to conquer difficulties, temptation, etc.

    By winning words to conquer hearts,
    And make persuasion do the work of fear.

  4. To gain or obtain, overcoming obstacles in the way; to win; as, to conquer freedom; to conquer a peace.

    Syn. -- To subdue; vanquish; overcome; overpower; overthrow; defeat; rout; discomfit; subjugate; reduce; humble; crush; surmount; subject; master. -- To Conquer, Vanquish, Subdue, Subjugate, Overcome. These words agree in the general idea expressed by overcome, -- that of bringing under one's power by the exertion of force. Conquer is wider and more general than vanquish, denoting usually a succession of conflicts. Vanquish is more individual, and refers usually to a single conflict. Thus, Alexander conquered Asia in a succession of battles, and vanquished Darius in one decisive engagement. Subdue implies a more gradual and continual pressure, but a surer and more final subjection. We speak of a nation as subdued when its spirit is at last broken, so that no further resistance is offered. Subjugate is to bring completely under the yoke of bondage. The ancient Gauls were never finally subdued by the Romans until they were completely subjugated. These words, when used figuratively, have correspondent meanings. We conquer our prejudices or aversions by a succesion of conflicts; but we sometimes vanquish our reluctance to duty by one decided effort: we endeavor to subdue our evil propensities by watchful and persevering exertions. Subjugate is more commonly taken in its primary meaning, and when used figuratively has generally a bad sense; as, his reason was completely subjugated to the sway of his passions.

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CONQUER, verb transitive

1. To subdue; to reduce, by physical force, till resistance is no longer made; to overcome; to vanquish. Alexander conquered Asia. The Romans conquered Carthage.

2. To gain by force; to win; to take possession by violent means; to gain dominion or sovereignty over, as the subduing of the power of an enemy generally implies possession of the person or thing subdued by the conqueror. Thus, a king or an army conquers a country, or a city, which is afterward restored.

3. To subdue opposition or resistance of the will by moral force; to overcome by argument, persuasion or other influence.

Anna conquers but to save, and governs but to bless.

He went forth conquering, and to conquer Revelations. 6.

4. To overcome, as difficulties; to surmount, as obstacles; to subdue whatever opposes; as, to conquer the passions; to conquer reluctance.

5. To gain or obtain by effort; as, to conquer freedom; to conquer peace; a French application of the word.

CONQUER, verb intransitive To overcome; to gain the victory.

The champions resolved to conquer or to die.

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It helps me get a fresh perspective and a clearer glimpse of meanings of words during the time when Mary Baker Eddy was writing.

— Cynthia (Saint Louis, MO)

Word of the Day



1. Weight; consequence; a bearing on some interest; that quality of any thing by which it may affect a measure, interest or result. The education of youth is of great importance to a free government. A religious education is of infinite importance to every human being.

2. Weight or consequence in the scale of being.

Thy own importance know.

Nor bound thy narrow views to things below.

3. Weight or consequence in self-estimation.

He believes himself a man of importance.

4. Thing implied; matter; subject; importunity. [In these senses, obsolete.]

Random Word


MOCK'ING, ppr. Imitating in contempt; mimicking; ridiculing by mimicry; treating with sneers and scorn; defeating; deluding.

MOCK'ING, n. Derision; insult.

Noah's 1828 Dictionary

First dictionary of the American Language!

Noah Webster, the Father of American Christian education, wrote the first American dictionary and established a system of rules to govern spelling, grammar, and reading. This master linguist understood the power of words, their definitions, and the need for precise word usage in communication to maintain independence. Webster used the Bible as the foundation for his definitions.

This standard reference tool will greatly assist students of all ages in their studies.

No other dictionary compares with the Webster's 1828 dictionary. The English language has changed again and again and in many instances has become corrupt. The American Dictionary of the English Language is based upon God's written word, for Noah Webster used the Bible as the foundation for his definitions. This standard reference tool will greatly assist students of all ages in their studies. From American History to literature, from science to the Word of God, this dictionary is a necessity. For homeschoolers as well as avid Bible students it is easy, fast, and sophisticated.




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* As a note, I have purchased each of these products. In fact, as we have been developing the Project:: 1828 Reprint, I have purchased several of the bulky hard-cover dictionaries. My opinion is that the 2000-page hard-cover edition is the only good viable solution at this time. The compact edition was a bit disappointing and the CD-ROM as well.

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